Apple Wood Logs
Apple wood is absolutely amazing - as soon as you get a fire lit, you can enjoy the sweet smoke smell and you know your food's going to taste unreal! Apple wood is hard, dense and knotty, meaning it burns for ages and creates great embers.
Our apple wood logs are produced using timber from an orchard clearance, when a farmer in Kent decided to pursue other interests. Apple wood's almost impossible to get hold of and unlike our last load, the timber this time around was bent & gnarly, making it almost impossible to process, so the logs are much wonkier than previously. They're mostly 20-25cm, and vary in thickness.
In the interest of transparency, the increased price for the product reflects the difficulty processing the timber; if we can sell them at this price we have plenty of wood left to collect, if we can't this might be our last load of apple logs.
Looking for apple smoking chunks for a kettle BBQ or kamado? Find these here.
Apple Wood Logs
Apple wood is absolutely amazing - as soon as you get a fire lit, you can enjoy the sweet smoke smell and you know your food's going to taste unreal! Apple wood is hard, dense and knotty, meaning it burns for ages and creates great embers.
Our apple wood logs are produced using timber from an orchard clearance, when a farmer in Kent decided to pursue other interests. Apple wood's almost impossible to get hold of and unlike our last load, the timber this time around was bent & gnarly, making it almost impossible to process, so the logs are much wonkier than previously. They're mostly 20-25cm, and vary in thickness.
In the interest of transparency, the increased price for the product reflects the difficulty processing the timber; if we can sell them at this price we have plenty of wood left to collect, if we can't this might be our last load of apple logs.
Looking for apple smoking chunks for a kettle BBQ or kamado? Find these here.