All About Wood — Firewood
Why Buy British Firewood?
A short summary of why you should try and buy British firewood where possible.
Should I Burn Hardwood or Softwood?
We get asked a lot about hardwood vs softwood. 'Should I use hardwood or softwood in my pizza oven?', 'can I use softwood as firewood' and 'is it worth paying more for hardwood?' are just some of the questions you've sent us. The answer is - it depends on which appliance you're using and what you're using it for! This guide will help you understand the difference between hardwood and softwood, and when you should be using one over the other. What is the difference between hardwood and softwood? Hardwood comes from deciduous trees which grow flowers or fruit, blooming...
Is Burning Wood Bad for the Environment?
'Is burning wood bad for the environment?' is a question I get asked a lot. This article gives a balanced view on the sustainability of burning wood.
7 Things You Need to Know When You Buy Firewood
Shopping for firewood is can be a minefield - how do you know which is best and how much do you need? Our guide aims to break down the jargon and give you some simple pointers on what to look for when you buy firewood.