Dirty glass happens to us all occasionally! No matter how dry your wood is, or how much of an expert you are at lighting fires... sometimes you'll get some soot on your glass!
I hate the idea of using chemical cleaners because of the proximity to such high heat, so when I found how to clean our log burner glass using this completely natural cleaning technique it was an absolute game changer!
Video Guide - How to clean your log burner glass
The step by step
You only need a couple of clean cloths and a small amount of water!
- Get your first cloth damp and dip it into the leftover wood ash in your log burner
- Use the ash as a light abrasive to loosed up the soot on the glass - it should come off really easily!
- Shake the cloth clean and wipe the worst of the residue off the glass
- Use the second cloth to wipe any remaining residue off your glass, leaving it clean as new!
- Repeat the process with any other parts of your log burner that need a refresh.
Minimise dirty glass with super dry log burner fuel
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