Welcome to the Love Logs Winter Barbecue!
I love cooking outside all year round, but I'm very happy to admit that sometimes when the weather's bad, I just don't fancy it.
So how do we keep getting our barbecue fix? How do we eat comforting, slow cooked winter BBQ food like chillies, braised rib of beef, pulled pork, and loads more... without spending loads of time outside in the cold and rain?
This autumn-winter season we're bringing you a series of BBQ recipes that allow you to spend minimal time outside, while still continuing to enjoy epic smokey flavours - starting with Paul's Smoked Over the Top Chilli.
Video Recipe - Smoked Over the Top Chilli
Obviously we'd love you to watch the whole video, but if you're looking for something specific to help with your over the top chilli, you can use the scroll bar in the video to jump forward to the chapters below:
0m00s - Introduction
0m22s - Ingredients
0m57s - Prepping the aromatics
1m24s - Building Flavour
01m35s - Prepping the beef mince
2m01s - Setting up the BBQ
2m49s - Getting the chilli on the BBQ
3m23s - Pulling the chilli off the BBQ & adding the rest of the ingredients
4m15s - How much longer to cook the chilli for
4m56s - A spanner in the works
5m16s - Serving, eating and enjoying our smoked chilli
Serves 6-8
- 1kg beef mince, 20% fat
- 2 large onions
- 2 large carrots
- 6 cloves of garlic
- Fresh coriander
- Fresh red chillies
- Quality sea salt
- Black pepper
- Smoked paprila
- Garlic granules
- Cumin
- Coriander
- Onion powder
- Cayenne
- Chipotle chilli powder, can be substituted with chipotle paste
- 2 tins chopped tomatoes
- 2 tins kidney beans
- 100g cherry tomatoes, can be substituted with tomato paste
- Vegetable oil, I use cold pressed British rapeseed oil
- Sour cream
- Roughly dice the onions, carrots and garlic, add to a large cast iron pot (making sure it fits in your BBQ!) with a tablespoon of rapeseed oil and pop the pan over a gentle heat, stirring regularly. Continue to cook until the onion and carrot is softened and starting to appear translucent.
- Prepare your spice rub using two tablespoons of salt and a tablespoon each of all the other spices.
- Mix the spice rub by hand through the beef mince and once mixed, separate the mince into 6 evenly sized balls.
- Set up your barbecue for indirect cooking using a snake of lumpwood charcoal, and light a small fire at one end of the snake. Add the smoking chunks of your choice and stabilise the temperature of the BBQ - an ideal temperature is 150°C but this is a pretty flexible dish, you can do this phase low and slow if you like.
- Add the cast iron pot into the BBQ and add the tinned tomatoes and a litre of boiling water into the pan.
- Add a cooking grate over the top of the pan and add your 6 balls of seasoned mince, your cherry tomatoes and a red chilli to the cooking grate.
- Close the lid of your BBQ and smoke for at least 90 minutes, you can smoke for a bit longer if cooking low n slow. The internal temperature of the balls of mince needs to hit 63°C for it to be safe to eat, but the chilli will be cooked for much longer once you're finished smoking, so you shouldn't need to worry too much about the internal temperature if you're cooking at 150°C air temperature.
- Remove the pan & cooking grate from the BBQ and head back inside. Place your smoked mince and cherry tomatoes into the sauce and chop the smoked chilli before adding that in too, along with a small bunch of chopped coriander and your two drained tins of kidney beans.
- Break up the large pieces of mince and either simmer over the stove or place in an oven at 150°C. Continue to cook for up to four hours - the longer the better!
- Unless you got dragged out to the pub like me, it's time to serve! Cook some rice and add your favourite toppings - for me this is some corn tortilla chips, some pickled red chillies, sour cream and lots more coriander.
- Enjoy!
Sustainable BBQ Fuel
If you still aren't sure which charcoal or smoking wood to buy, just send us an email on info@love-logs.com and we'll do our best to help!
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